Tokyo-Bruxelles Trio

The members of Tokyo-Bruxelles Trio studied in prestigious schools in Japan, Europe and United States. They now perform as chamber musicians in numerous countries. The T-B Trio is dedicated to spread the original repertoire for flute, cello and piano and to develop and support new music written for these combination. Renowned composers such as Jean-Pierre Deleuze,    have written pieces for the T-B Trio which were created both in Japan and Belgium.

Japan Tour - 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018

Yokohama Minatomirai hall, Tokyo Opera City Recital hall, Ashiya Sallon classic, Lilis hall in Yokohama, Settsukyo Zall in Takatsuki, Kioicho Sallon hall etc.

Belgium Tour- 2011, 2014, 2016

Atelier Marcel Hastir, Concert Metropol, Juillet Musical St Hubert etc..